This ad features a 7 1/2" TIMELESS TWIST SHERLOCK glass smoking pipe made from strong borosilicate glass. This pipe is very well made with a smooth and colorful design. This pipe has a unique multicolored design as shown. This is a very unique pipe with fantastic coloring and great use of all design elements. The pipe requires a stand for it to rest in when not in use, the metal pipe stand shown is included with the pipe.
The pipe is about 7 1/2" long with a 1 1/4" diameter round head end with an air control hole on the left side. The stem of the pipe is about 3/4" in diameter by the tobacco bowl extending at this size for 1 1/2", then reducing in diameter to about 1/2" until it flares out at the mouthpiece end. The tobacco bowl is about 5/8" in diameter at the top and about 3/4" deep with a rounded bottom and a single hole.